God and the Multiverse

Recently, I found one of my posts, The Impossibility of Human Existence, linked in another blogger’s post called “Unmasking Anti Jehovah Sites and People.” Considering my post was about the theory of parallel universes, my blasphemy was definitely found out by this blogger. Congratulations on finding me. Guilty as charged! But in all seriousness, I found it a little upsetting that my post had been used in such a way. Although I do present some theories about human existence that discount the reality of God, nowhere do I ever mention that these theories are correct, and in no way am I discussing these theories as a reason to prove that God is not real. My ultimate goal on my blog is not to brainwash my readers into becoming atheists but to delve into the unknown surrounding human existence and to marvel at the entire concept of humanity and society.


That said, I decided to explore what religion has to say about the multiverse theory. In short, this theory attempts to explain how, with millions of factors to get right, human life exists. The fact that an atom has to be a certain size, an electron has to be a specific charge, or that earth has to have the exact temperature to make life possible makes the odds of our existence very small. Is this all just a grand coincidence or God’s design? According to the multiverse theory, an infinite number of universes exist. Therefore, according to probability, all the conditions needed for human existence should occur in at least one of those universes. Obviously, we may never know if this is true, and there is currently no evidence to support this theory. So, isn’t this similar to the argument of God? Religion claims that believing in the multiverse requires just as much faith as believing in God. And since neither explanation for our existence can be proven, I understand where this is coming from. Even scientist Paul Davies states that “invoking an infinity of unseen universes to explain the unusual features of the one we do see is just as [made up] as invoking an unseen creator. The multiverse theory may be dressed up in scientific language. But in essence, it requires the same leap of faith.”

Or, in more universal terms: “To continue in atheism, I’d need to believe nothing produces everything, non-life produces life, randomness produces fine-tuning, chaos produces information, unconsciousness produces consciousness, and non-reason produces reason. I just didn’t have that much faith.” I don’t know where this quote is from, but it puts the argument of God into perspective.

Now imagine what life was like thousands, or even hundreds, of years ago: limited scientific knowledge, limited technology, limited resources. For most of human history, the average life expectancy never reached above 40 years, disease and famine were great powers that wiped away millions and millions of people, and, until the Industrial Revolution was well underway, most of the human population all over the world lived in extreme poverty. And even when you bring it towards more recent times, smallpox, a disease that killed about 500 million people in the 20th century, is now described in the past tense on Wikipedia. Since then, our lives had burst with astronomical innovation and knowledge. And just like a peasant of the middle ages dying from an infected tooth couldn’t imagine how standard and commonplace a root canal would be in our times, or a traveler using the moon for navigation could never imagine that one day we would be walking on it, the same applies to scientific knowledge. Before these things were discovered, no one could even imagine that we are made up of atoms or that the earth is round and revolves around the sun. Or more specifically, just like the “Ultraviolet disaster” (the way some light behaved seemed to go against the laws of Physics) was solved by the discovery of Planck’s constant, another such constant could be discovered to explain why humans exist. Maybe even the theory of multiverse could be proven one day. So, if something appears to be so fantastical today, it does not mean it would be in hundreds of years.

I think the person who said the second quote got it all wrong. Just because, with the absence of God, it may seem like humanity randomly appeared out of disorder, what about the possibility that it actually did not? Just because science cannot explain yet, it does not mean that there isn’t a reason for it. Just because scientist are still grappling with the elusive concept of consciousness, it does not mean that God endowed each of us with an immortal and immaterial soul. Just because we can’t explain some aspects of human existence, there is no reason to believe that we will not be able to in the future. The curiosity and determination of humanity has driven us to such great heights, why does it have to stop here? And if some questions really are truly unanswerable by science, there is no way of knowing that right now either.

Image Source: Google Images

50 thoughts on “God and the Multiverse

  1. Don’t get upset by them. Jeez, a person can’t even ponder anything anymore without getting attacked for being anti- something or the other. Whatever happened to freedom of expression and thought? Also, I don’t see why anybody would get upset by what you wrote, so they’re probably just messing with you. There are a lot of sick cyber bullies like that around

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    1. I don’t know, that website did seem serious about what it was doing (I was going to link it but that seemed a bit hypocritical) there were a lot of blog posts linked there that talked about evolution, consciousness and other “anti-God” stuff. It just annoys me that they would get offended about information they disagree with. I’m starting to think that maybe the linked me just so that I would read their post. In that case, they succeeded.

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      1. You should have linked Saint Augustine… But that only works if they’re Catholic


      2. Orthodox? Which rite? We’re Syrian, though classified as Oriental… At least we used to be before breaking away from the patriarchy

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      3. Russian Orthodox. My parents are from Russia. It seems a bit odd that they were religious since they grew up during the Cold War when all religion was suppressed, but that’s how it turned out.


      4. That’s cool. Lots of my family are converting because they’re sick of the pomp and pageantry, but I kind of like going for the occasional orthodox kurbana. I was raised Catholic though. The history of the churches here are pretty weird. Some of them turned into Orthodox/Catholic fusions. There are secret passages in some of the really old churches which they used to escape from Portuguese inquisitions and stuff.

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      5. I’ve always considered dropping all ties with religion and converting to atheism (my sister already has) I’ve believed in God during most of my childhood, but I’m not sure I do now. But I like to keep an open mind about everything, so I’ll just keep on calling myself a nonreligious Christian. I also think religion should be a personal matter. Although some of the ceremonies and rituals are important, it should firstly stem from within.


      6. Religion, by definition, can’t be a personal matter, and I don’t think it’s important. It’s too easily misused by corrupt people in power.
        Spirituality can be though. Most people with an overdose of religion lack spirituality, like those Jehovah bloggers. When I was a kid I always loved that poem Abu Ben Adam. It probably puts what I want to say much better than I ever could. Sorry for being incoherent. It’s almost 4 am. Time I went to bed

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      7. Different people feel Him in different ways. I feel Him in Nature and not in a Church. Everyone’s different and thinks of things differently. There is no one right way, I guess is what I’m trying to say, though most religions would say otherwise. Something that transcends logic and explanation, defies reason and rains pure spirit. The problem is we can’t really define God, so all religions and sciences fail at the get-go though that won’t (and shouldn’t) stop us from trying.

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      8. I agree, God is different for everyone. I feel very spiritual when I’m in nature too. Specifically, I do a lot of outdoor rock climbing. When I’m hundreds of feet off the ground, it feels like I’m in the hands of some greater power that I can’t understand. I feel very insignificant and powerless as a human on earth in that moment, so maybe I feel God? It’s kind of an unexplainable feeling.

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      9. Maybe whether He’s real or a mass delusion doesn’t really matter, just as long as He works? The concept of God has got us searching for answers for thousands of years. Without something like that driving us, whether real or not, I doubt humanity would have made much progress.

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    1. Hmmm…. I don’t think that the multiverse theory is simple. The description I gave barely scratches the surface. It’s reach much more complicated. If you want, you can read the post that I linked in the beginning, it goes more in depth. There are also dozens of different models and variations of this theory, and I don’t understand many of them.

      If this is too easy that it should be, how should it be then? And why should we be better than that?

      I think science only just started to really explore the reason for our existence. I’m sure many more theories will come up, and maybe we won’t find and answer, and maybe it is God after all, but it never hurts to want to find a scientific reason for our existence. The answer could be very simple or it could be very complicated. I don’t think it should be anything than what it is.

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      1. No, I meant it the other way around! The way I read your piece, I was thinking yah, perhaps in another universe, JC died for everyones sins, God sits above and the devil waits below etc, etc. It just felt like the general direction was towards certainty, such as science doesn’t seem likely to achieve – it just gets ever more complex to my reading. Unless someone is going to come up with a theory of everything which is just so easy to get, like string theory or whatever!

        I don’t mind if someone wants to believe in a religion because it keeps them from insanity for instance – they do say that religious people exercise a part of the brain th rest of us overlook – seriously, I read that in Leviticus 22-30! (I jest – but I did read that someplace!) 😀

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      2. I’d just like to add you have a great blog, and I like your mind!

        What I meant by “we should be better than that” was we should ditch God already! LOL (or should I say YOLO!)

        Now wouldn’t it be fine to find a reason for our existence? What a thought! So many people believe there is a reason “out there” which they are all struggling towards, otherwise, where is the reward? Dawkins would say why do you need a reward? You already have one! I can identify with that, perhaps mostly from my experience with magic mushrooms (ok, hear me out!) No really – it was like brain connections were suddenly made at random, hooking me up in unexpected ways, I felt like I knew my path, recognised some other inner scene, being a part of a whole – I don’t know if I could re-create that effect, at the time I thought I shall henceforth forever consume this fruit, but then you realise these connections were always there. Its a dangerous thing to play around with, cos a person could revert to something primitive, I’m not sure it was altogether wise! 😮

        The multiverse and modern physics in general is beyond my scope of understanding, but I do enjoy 😀

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      3. Thank you, I appreciate that.

        It seems like there will always be a conflict between religion and science. Both strive for certainty and both offer theories that can lead to certainty. Maybe the reason for our existence could never be discovered, maybe they will. Who knows?

        Personally, I don’t think that there is an ultimate purpose, but that each individual must create their own purpose. But regardless of that, each human body strives for survival, so that is a purpose in and of itself.

        I’ve read a lot of accounts of people taking psychedelic drugs (it’s very interesting, really) and they’ve all seemed to say something similar to your experience. They see the inner workings of the universe, they find their purpose in life, they realize all the social conventions that keep us all in our place, like puppets. They also see how interconnected everything is, they see the field lines, stuff like that. I’ve always wondered what I would see if I take these drugs, but I’ll probably never find the right mindset anyway.

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      4. The curious thing about psychedelics was that while you could see the way forward, you could also see the path which brought you to that point, like standing outside of oneself, a very curious and interesting sensation.

        It would be great if someone could come up with a theory which cancelled out current thoughts on religion / philosophy / science entirely and undeniably. Somewhere I read that i the future children of 6 will understand advanced physics in ways that even adults can’t today, that its all just a matter of starting education from the right point.

        Yes, that survival drive is very strong, but then we have the other ultimate purpose for religious martyrs and kamikaze pilots, the Jonestown phenomena et al, perhaps individual psychology needs to be more aligned to scientific reality and will just take time.

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      5. Would this theory prove the reason why everything exists? That does seem a bit too simple, when our world is very complicated. But imagine how powerful such a theory would be. It reminds me of how Pi seems to rule over mathematics. Who knows, maybe those smart six year olds of the future will figure it out. 😄

        It seems that a blind devotion to a cause may make us forget about the key factors needed for survival. I wonder how science could explain that. Does something in the chemical makeup in the brain change when someone so reverently believe in a cause?

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      6. Yes the Pi comparison is close to what I’m meaning – like when you go through a whole massive load of difficulties, then find out the answer was far simpler once you “get it” I find this with painting, one can just stride forth with confidence and achieve something when for months you were struggling with your own self when you didn’t need to.

        You know how when they sent that space craft off to the outer reaches, one of the things they put on it was the periodic table, cos they say that there is just no way any other intelligent life outdent know about it, such is the nature of it.

        Oh I think the idea about religion having a place in the brain wasn’t so much from the chemicals perspective – I think it was one of those things where they hooked up peoples brains to the scanner and saw the electro activity, they found that for religious / spiritual types, a certain area was activated – weirdly interesting huh?

        Yes, I think its interesting how in one situation a person will override their own self for the good of the many, ala JC giving his life, thats at the heart of Christianity, and later Marxism I’d have thought – not to mention WW1 + ww2, so its all very multi-faceted, you got to look at peoples whole cultural experience to be able to predict how they’ll react, multi-disciplinary study of philosophy, psychology, religion, and socio-economic factors we hear about nowadays – not to mention modern physics and the impact of that upon the whole thing!

        Oh yeah, I was gona say, about the psychedelics, when you think you are so sure of something you’re experiencing, you turn it into that thing, like when you see something, and blink and its not what you thought, its the way the mind works, it wants to know things, and mistakes are made, sometimes you recognise them, sometimes you don’t – sometimes you think you found something real, you may believe it forever, but you might be wrong forever! Isn’t it all so crazy!

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      7. That actually happens a lot in math. You can spend a really long time trying to solve a problem and then be told that everything could be reduced to a simple formula. Imagine trying to solve math problems without formulas but just common sense, I don’t even think that that would be possible!

        The thing about the periodic table is very interesting. I would have thought that the same rules of science would apply all throughout the universe. But maybe the periodic table is almost like a very condensed representation of human intelligence and progress, and it may be a way of telling other life forms about us?

        And about psychedelics, whenever you open up a new area of the brain, anything could go wrong since you’re not used to the experience. I read some article somewhere about a musician who used psychedelics and claimed he found the meaning of life every time he used it, but would forget right after. One time, he tried to write down the meaning while he was on the drug and all he wrote down was “orange juice.” I guess some things are just unexplainable, and imagine wanting to believe in something that you can’t explain.

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      8. They tell me the mind works by memories, so when I look around, I’ll go, oh, thats a piece of paper, thats a battery, thats a mobile phone, thats a pen, thats a ghost! Argh!! I saw a ghost!! Oh no, its just a reflection of the net curtain! 😮 😀

        I wouldn’t put too much faith into psychedelics, but clearly they are a whole lot of fun with tons of potential for thinking different! 🙂

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      9. Thats really funny “Orange Juice” I’m familiar with the idea of trying to make sense of psychedelics, insofar as I used a lot of cannabis, and felt I was onto something big, but couldn’t really make sense of the notes I made after it wore off – also, perhaps rather more interestingly, the first time I tried the mushrooms, I laughed to the point of hysteria, I couldn’t say why, but it just seemed like all my troubles (and everyone else’s) were nothing but an hilarious charade! Again, I couldn’t say what precisely made me so sure of this enlightened state!

        I’m not convinced psychedelics opens up (literally) another part of the brain tho. As I mentioned in a previous reply, more recent brain scan experiments show the idea of the sub conscious being separate from the subconscious, but more a case of simply connections which are less relevant and therefore dampened, or switched off (memories) – this idea correlates with my perception, that one simply becomes more conscious of whats going on behind the senes due to over stimulus perhaps, causing confusion or more creative thinking. One may for instance become aware of ones past and future, not because its mystical waiting for you, but because your brain expects it to be there, maybe due to notions or even imprinted DNA memory – psychology says that there are phases of mental patterns we all go through due to the ageing process, this is imprinted long before it unfolds naturally.

        Anyway, here’s a thing about the periodic table, I’m sure they etched it onto the side of Voyager 1, along with some beatles songs and other artefacts! I saw something about the periodic table which I found fascinating, I can’t find the show I saw, but this is the same sort of info, it really amazes me how that thing works!

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      10. I’m saying the mind isn’t compartmentalised – but actually it is, because they recently found that apart that deals with religion and spirituality! So now I’m saying, ok, it IS compartmentalised, just that the subconscious works across the whole thing, rather than further down under each compartment – not that I have any idea really or knowledge, just from the little bits I heard lately 🙂

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  2. “My ultimate goal on my blog is not to brainwash my readers into becoming atheists but to delve into the unknown surrounding human existence and to marvel at the entire concept of humanity and society.”

    That’s what I appreciate about you, Kat. You’re not blogging to proselytize anyone into your buying your views — you just like to think. At least that’s how I see you.

    A friend of mine did his doctorate work in the physics of biology. Specifically, he studied how random motions of lifeless molecules can — for purely physical reasons — result in their self-organizing in ways that could be precursors to how living organisms organize their own molecules. Fine tuning indeed — but done without evidence of godly intervention.

    I thought you post was logically structured for easy comprehension. Thanks for that.

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    1. Thank you. I feel like everyone is trying to sell us something these days. No one wants to have a conversation just for the sake of conversation, there’s always a motive. I felt that especially in the education system. Teachers and professors are always trying to push their ideology onto their students, intentionally or not. But I don’t care if people don’t agree with my views, and I never like to present my views like as if they are the truth. I just want to initiate discussion.

      The thing about self-organization sounds interesting. I read somewhere that different subcategories of entropic systems exists. Going from the universe as a whole to just a cell. Each system uses energy in its own unique way to create order. Add all those systems up, and there you have the word.

      I’m glad you found my post well structured. I’ve been told that I write with the mindset that my reader knows the same exact information as I do, so it’s great that that is not the case here.


  3. A very interesting read with many alluring ideas which I’ve often pondered. However, in order to put something else in the mix.. I’ve always found this prophetic, reasonable (in the real sense of the word) and, pretty bleedin’ obvious to rational thinkers, everywhere.

    “In the beginning Man created God;
    and in the image of Man
    created he him.

    2 And Man gave unto God a multitude of
    names,that he might be Lord of all
    the earth when it was suited to Man

    3 And on the seven millionth
    day Man rested and did lean
    heavily on his God and saw that
    it was good.

    4 And Man formed Aqualung of
    the dust of the ground, and a
    host of others likened unto his kind.

    5 And these lesser men were cast into the
    void; And some were burned, and some were
    put apart from their kind.

    6 And Man became the God that he had
    created and with his miracles did
    rule over all the earth.

    7 But as all these things
    came to pass, the Spirit that did
    cause man to create his God
    lived on within all men: even
    within Aqualung.

    8 And man saw it not.

    9 But for Christ’s sake he’d
    better start looking.”

    Jethro Tull (from, “Aqualung”)

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    1. I’m not entirely sure about what this is trying to say, but from what I understand, this is saying that man created God and gave Him the power to rule over the world. Or does it mean that men are their own Gods and that God lives within each man, except that we don’t know that yet? I kind of like that. Thank you for sharing.

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  4. I think, like most religious texts, it means whatever we want it to mean. That’s the beauty of belief.. it can mean whatever anyone wants it to, to them. Personally, I believe that the creation of the universe, and eventually organic, carbon-based life was just an accident. A chemical and physiological reaction. The fact that all particles have the qualities which corroborate and create life is, I think, fine-tuning by nothing more complex than mere processes of elimination (of those particles or elements which could not possibly exist in a universe of such intricate construction) since the birth of our universe. As for multiverse.. that’s way too off the map for me to get my head around. Your post raises interesting ponderings!

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    1. I do think that life was created by mistake: just a random combination of a few factors, but it’s still appears to be such a coincidence that all the factors just lined up so perfectly as to allow life to exist. I also find the multiverse theory too difficult to wrap my head around, but I do like to ponder it because it does bring up a lot of very thought provoking questions. Very glad you found this post interesting, thank you for reading!

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      1. All this “perfect randomness”, could be as simple as leaving a minute chip of ice in a warmer environment. Some elements just cannot co-exist. What’s left, is all we know.

        Or are yet to know… dun dun DAHHHH!!😈

        Thanks for writing.. enjoyed it! 😁

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  5. I enjoy the intelligent discourse here, Kat. You draw thoughtful minds, each with a view to consider. I think neuroscience is the fastest evolving science at the moment. Already we are searching for the god cell in the brain. We’ll find it, study it, and conclude the origins of god in the human mind. While it might be true that a supreme creator is at play here in this universe as well as all others, if the concious belief in a diety did not exist in every generation of humans, then no god would exist in our minds. As far as our existence is concerned, if no religions of humankind existed, then by our very core natures, we would still find ways to exert influence over those willing to sign up for whatever promised us survival. Don’t be swayed by differences and small minded attacks. The greatest achievements in the world of humanity were not found in the dogmas of religions or governments but in the heresy of those that saw something different and felt the urge to explore truth as close as it could be defined. The mind is a parallel universe to the cosmos that gave it birth and the impetus to learn of our celestial parents. We wonder and without answers we invent and what we invent, we believe above all else. Follow your path Kat and never lose trust in the questions you ask nor the answers you receive. Your’s is a noble path, one that serves something greater than self and for many, it’s a path they lack the courage to take because the mind must forget dogmas and ideologies of the past and look to an uncharted future.

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    1. Sometimes I wonder if we ever will find that god cell that would answer all our questions about human existence. It seems like the answer has to be more complicated than that. The question we are asking here, about the meaning of human existence, is just so grand and awesome that it’s no doubt easier to believe in a God instead of laying awake at night thinking and thinking and contemplating and confusing myself. Yet that’s what I do. I don’t want to accept short answers anymore, I want real ones. Sometimes I’m scared that there really is no such answers to my really big questions.

      I really like how you said that the mind is like a parallel universe, I genuinely agree with that. It’s just so limitless and multifaceted and expansive. I’m just very glad I was finally able to realize that after years of believe whatever I was told to believe. So I started to think, but I never realized that that would have such grand implications like the ones you talk about. To me, it feels like I’m now a cog in the machine that doesn’t want to spin in the right direction anymore. But thank you very much for your words, they are very inspiring.

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      1. I do think we’ll find the God cell. It probably won’t take too long but it will challenge the religious belief systems and there will be resistance to the science behind the God cell. It won’t refute the existence of a God only locate that part of the mind that seeks to always define God in ways the mind can fathom. It is replicated in nearly every human through the DNA and social development. We seek a connection to a cosmic parent and that parent takes many forms all created by our forefathers in early history and sustained over time generation after generation. To understand our purpose we must first create that purpose and evolve it through our dedication and study. We can choose our nature which is dark and violent or a more noble humanity which is our intelligence – the light. It is rare to have one without the other and it seems the desire for a cosmic parent is also a desire to overcome our natural tendencies of darkness for that more noble life. The answer is in the near balance of both. That’s my story. I don’t argue it’s validity to anyone who would disagree, I believe the greatest part of life is in the struggle and eventual achievement of whatever we seek. Along the way we might find our path doesn’t take us to our expectation but rather gives us a new direction with far more discovery than we imagined. It’s not for the faint of heart.

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      2. I really don’t know much about religion, but, from what I do understand, I don’t think that it can be allocated to one specific cell or area in the brain. Religion is such a powerful force, it dictates ones morals, social interactions, reasoning and logic, the way in which events are remembered etc. I think it spans over larger areas of the brain. But I do understand why someone might be so inclined to believe in God. Not only do people believe that there is a purpose for their suffering and what happens to them is beyond their control, but a unified belief in a greater power might have been the only glue holding a society together, for example, medieval Europe and colonial America. That’s pretty admirable, I think. Maybe it had even been necessary in allowing the human race to survive it’s dark past. And now that we have the required institutions set into place, we now have the ability to think beyond God. I’ve never had too much faith in “corporate” science. I read in some book that science is nothing more than someone thinking about a problem in the middle of the night until they finally find an answer. That’s the kind of science I like. Humans now have the luxury to think, and so that’s what we should do.

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      3. I agree. There is a lot of collective brain power put into organized religion and certainly it help provide a common glue to hold the many followers together focused on their collective interactions. I have been to places in the world so spectacularly beautiful that I could clearly understand why early humans felt the world was the work of a supreme designer. I’ve never felt that in the world’s great cities where the only thing visible is human made. I only felt this expanded consciousness surrounded by nature’s beauty. Perhaps it’s just me but the sense of connection is powerful and compelling. I wonder if this evolved in our psyche as that power we should worship and give thanks and sacrifice to? Science is simply the process of solving problems using rigorous methodologies that are accurate, precise, and repeatable before they are declared resolved. Engineering is the solving of complex problems by breaking the problem down into bitesize pieces. In science we prove concepts and in engineering we use these concepts to assemble complex machines. Both are founded on the language of the universe which is mathematics and philosophy. In any language, mathematics are the same and give the same results. There is no entity or process in our known universe that cannot be mapped or explained using math and yet religion is the antithesis of objective truth that can be proven. Religion is not universal, scientific, engineerable, or provable with any known truth. It is faith based and in the case of humans, a strong faith will always deny logic or facts that are counter to the faith. That is just my two cents on why religion is hard to hold onto when so many things in our daily life are more tangible to us. What do you think/believe? 🤔

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      4. That’s a very interesting point of view. I somewhat agree. Humans are, by nature, very materialistic, so provable science is easy to comprehend and accept as the truth. Religion on the other hand is more abstract and ambiguous, but I wouldn’t separate the two. If someone believes in God, that does not mean they have to deny all of science. And one does not have to look to either science or religion for answers, there are other sources as well, but that’s a little bit beside the point.

        I was recently reading some article where a scientist tried to prove that humans in general are getting happier. There were a series of graphs to try to prove this, for example there was one that charted how often negative words are used in the news in relation to positive words. There was one about how the amount of racist, sexist, homophobic etc internet searches decreased. I didn’t like the article much, because I believe that some things cannot be plotted on a graph and turned into a trend, human emotions being one of them. I do have a very deep appreciation toward science, especially the multitudes of inventions that made life on earth better, but don’t think science should enter every single area of our lives. I don’t think it even can, honestly. There is just so much theoretical science out there that proposes plausible solutions to very big questions, such as the reason for our existence, if free will exists or not, what the concept of time really is, what consciousness is, etc. But they are still just theories. Religion can also be considered as somewhat of a theory. And although I lean closer to scientific theories and hold opinions that might criticize religion to an extent, I do believe religion a just as valid theory to believe in.

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      5. Hi Kat! I enjoy these discussions immensely. I hope I don’t wear out your last nerve with my comments☺️. I think what I like most is not throwing out the human for science or religion. We should always leave room for hopes and dreams, for the freedom to explore elsewhere instead of the rote recital of the popular culture. We need our individualism as much as our acceptance of subjective beliefs. We do need to live in a supportive environment but not at the cost of losing ourselves and all we could be. To be dependent only on science, or philosophy, or religion leaves us only partially whole. We need a healthy blend that works for us and because we are not perfect machines we can dare to learn from our mistakes as well as our successes.

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      6. Hello! I enjoy these discussions a lot too, don’t worry. 🙂 And I completely agree. Individualism is very important. I think it reminds us that we are all humans and have the ability to think for ourselves, instead of just being followers of a popular idea. Of course, it’s necessary to be educated in science, religion, history etc to help us create a more informed perception of the world and of ourselves. I do think that we create our own purpose and meaning. But these decisions have to be informed, meaning that everything that is taught to us has to be taken with a healthy dose of suspicion. We shouldn’t believe in God just because our parents do, and we shouldn’t believe in parallel universes just because some crazy blogger on the internet claims they might exist. I never force my opinions onto anyone, and I actually like it when people disagree with me, because, ultimately, what you believe in is a very personal decision.

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      7. I think you have just written the secret path to an enlightened soul. And I too have learned more from people who disagree. I can always listen to an opposing view without feeling forced to abandon my own.

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  6. Everybody has their own spiritual powers which they follow. Some goes to Temples, Church, mosque… While some believe it exists in doing good deeds. The ultimate goal is finding peace. So if any other person speaks about their way of practising may hassle them although that person has no such intentions to hurt their feelings. So, u r correct on ur point and no need to feel bad. Ur ideology is truly beautiful.

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    1. I don’t feel bad. I know that whoever linked my blog post did have good intentions, although they were intentions that I do not believe in.

      I really like how you said that the ultimate goal is finding peace. I agree with that. Maybe that is the ultimate reason for existence? Create some order and harmony is a disordered universe? Sounds almost like God, I think.

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    1. Yes, that is exactly what I believe too. Everyone, from our parents, to the government, to the laws we have to follow, to the society with which we interact with, all tells us what to believe. We don’t question this, but really they are nothing but subjective beliefs that have gained a large following. Asking questions can make you think about how things should be and can also help you be more conscious of the decisions you make.

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  7. There is nothing wrong with asking for truth. So long as you understand truth in itself is a matter of perspective. I was not raised with a strong foundation of the gospel; but i always felt the presence of a higher divinity. As life constantly reminds me how futile I really am; I myself have battled with my faith. The truth is in the teaching. There are moments that I can recount to being awe inspiring .. not of this world.. too perfect to be called a coincidence… thus leading me to to search. What I found is the true gospel of Jesus . I know its sounds crazy but the relationship I have with the lord now.. brings his words to life. I feel the text as I read it. I feel his presence as he gives me revelation and wisdom…do i believe there are other dimensions.. other life forces…. the chaotic cosmic clash of infinite possibilities.. yes .. I do.. who says God has limitations.. the very notion to say your wrong .. or the scientific reasoning behind things are wrong is just as contradictory to saying God could not .. will not .. create elements that our simple minds can comprehend.. I’m sorry your work was used in such a manner. I am a Christian woman with and understanding of Jesus’s grace and acceptance.. life is a journey and the bible tells us countless of times of men and women who also struggled on this journey…its our faith that keeps us strong. For you, i’m sure you have moments when things make you question what you’ve been taught.. what you’ve learned and what you hope to gain.. it’s ok. Being human is what makes us great. Being human is what makes us unique and being human brings reality to those that seem impeccably unrational and embraces the things that truly make no sense. What i’m saying is.. what we preceive today .. may not be what we feel tomorrow .. does that make sense?

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    1. Thank you so much for your comment. Truth is a very objective thing, especially for big questions such as these. I was raised non-religiously, but if you would have asked me maybe a year ago if I believe in God, I would have said that I definitely did. But my belief in God had been very different from yours. God had not been the truth for me, but more of a “replacement” or a “filler” for something much bigger. I really admire that you’ve found your truth in God. Your connection with Him seems very real and personal, and if that is your truth, there is nothing I can say otherwise.

      I’m still struggling to find the reason for human existence. I’m really trying to find solace in the black and white world of science, but I still don’t think that every part of or lives can be governed by some facts and figures. Yes, I am questioning a lot of what I have been taught , which does make my journey feel endless and confusing, but I do hope that one day I will get there. And who know what truth I will end up believing.

      For now, though, I must celebrate the joys of this mental journey, the one only made possible by being human.

      Again, thank you so much for sharing your perspective with me. I appreciate it a lot.

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